Stan Freberg
Heartbreak Hotel
Capitol 3480
MP3 File
Yes Virginia, Jukeboxmafia is still alive. 2010 has been a busy and event filled year, which has left me little time or energy to post as often as I would like. Some viewers had requested an improvement in sound file quality, which I as of yet have not been able to deliver. I've decided however that low quality files are better than none at all, so I will continue to post as usual until the issue is resolved (if ever). With that in mind we return to the blogosphere with this hilarious version of Heartbreak Hotel by the great Stan Freberg.
I recognized the name, but I had to look him up in the end.
I've always loved your sidebar blurb (wish I'd thought of it first):
. . . and I'm fairly lazy, so don't expect a lot of exhaustive background or research. Comments are highly encouraged...
A kindred spirit - although I learned not to hold my breath waiting for the comments!
Thanks Marie! Comments are a tricky business. Sometimes I'll get comments on things I posted so long ago I don't even remember what they're talking about!
Makes you appreciate just how good Presley was!
Der Blog ist wirklich schön ein und voller Informationen, die wir schätzen die Art von Informationen haben Sie in diesem Beitrag zur Verfügung gestellt. Die Informationen sind so nützlich für uns alle und wir möchten Ihnen aus tiefstem Herzen für diese wunderbare Informationen danken.
hindi songs
You're welocme Lily. Thank You!
Vielen Dank. Gut, dass Sie genießen den Blog. Vielen Dank für Ihren Besuch!
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