Saturday, September 24, 2011


Ray Hudson and the Western Rhythmaires
Dixie - 1043

Nice little rockabilly instrumental. Go here to hear the flip:

MP3 File

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Rockin' Sid
Avenue Records

Found this little baby in a junk shop in Baton Rouge for fifty cents! Signed!

Originally released in 1957 credited to Thunderwords, this record was re-released in 1963 with the label credit you see here. Not to be confused with Rockin' Sidney.
Nice Louisiana rockabilly sounds. This record demonstrates the correct way to play an electric guitar.

MP3 File

Monday, September 5, 2011

Patty Cake Shake

Guitar Ray
Patty Cake Shake
Hot Line - 912

MP3 File

Can't get enough of this song lately! Great New Orleans Soul groove. Arranged by Wardell Quezergue. Not sure of a date.