MP3 FileDanny Peil and the Apollos
Jingle Jump
Raynard - 602
As far as I can figure out, this 45 and the accompanying picture sleeve were a promo tie in for the rather lame 60's toy the Jingle Jump. For a bit of cross promotional children's advertising this song is surprisingly good! Anyone remember this one? (the toy or the record?)
it's brutal!
Oh MAN!! I had one of these as a kid and could never master the Jingle Jump but I still own the 45! I loved that tune!!
"Let's jump....That's all ya gotta do..."LOL!!!
Thanks for bringing back a great memory! I can't believe you OWN one!
Thanks for bringing the song to my attention. I, too, still have my Jingle I can jump to the music. Thanks for bringing back memories.
You're welcome! Glad you enjoyed it...
I loved my jingle jump! It's one of the few toys I remember so well. I spent so many hours on the backyard patio playing with it. Wish I still had one now, maybe I'd lose a few pounds. I don't remember the song at all, though.
I wanted a JINGLE Jump in the worst of ways when i was in 4th grade in 1965...well my no nonsense Mom wouldn't cave to my wish and the only way I got to play with one was from other kids in my jump 40 years to the future and now I own one from an ebay bid...I can't even believe what I paid for that thing...the seller had an entire case of them from her Grandma's attic...(talk about making a mint on a 1.00 toy and WOW WHA A WORKOUT.. I played with it for about a nanosecond and now it's in my curio cabinet of days gone by!!I don't even remember this but I loved the Jingle Jump
I was a big time Jingle Jumper in third grade when it came out. I remember bringing it in for Show and Tell and jumpin' the whole song for my probably very bored classmates. I didn't care- I KNEW this thing was super fun and the song totally catchy.
Nice pics!
Danny was my cousin but I never heard any of his recordings till now.Thanks for the blast from the past.JimH
I had gotten good marks on my report card in the middle of fifth grade so my mother took me to a toy store near the house where I lived at the time; I got a new Jingle Jump. Really, really neat but took some time getting the name of the game. A lot of my friends had them too; we'd meet at one another's houses to have our workouts. Really kept me in shape. The footsie toy was really neat, too; that came out later.
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